Real Property Management Tri-Cities

Maximize Your Moving Sale: 10 Steps for Success

Are you planning a move and searching for methods to reduce moving costs? Hosting a sale is one option. This is a great opportunity to sell some of your surplus items and get some extra cash at the same time. However, how can you make sure that your moving sale is a success? If you adhere to these ten suggestions, you’ll be well on your way to hosting an easy and profitable relocation sale.

1. Plan Ahead

Prepare and execute your relocation sale with sufficient notice. If you rent your home, you should let your landlord know so that they can give their approval for the event and obtain any required permissions. Consider inviting additional people to your relocation sale in order to expand its reach. The more, the merrier!

2. Advertise

Your moving sale won’t be a success unless you market it. To let your friends and neighbors know about your moving sale, post flyers around town or even create an online ad and list it on classified services like Craigslist. On the day of the sale, install directional signs to guide customers to your location. Use poster board that is a bright color, if at all possible, to increase visibility.

3. Appropriately Price Items

Before the day of the sale, take the time to research the prices of comparable items and then establish your own prices. Pricing items incorrectly could lead to your moving sale being less successful. You want to ensure that you receive a reasonable price while also ensuring that your items will sell!

4. Offer a Variety of Items

People are more likely to visit your sale if you have a variety of items for sale, so don’t just sell books or apparel. Generally speaking, you will attract more customers the more things you have for sale.

5. Set the Mood

Your moving sale will be more appealing and upbeat if you decorate and play music. This will produce a favorable atmosphere that will draw in more clients. Consider assembling a table with food and drinks for sale in addition to your household stuff. This can entice consumers and give your moving sale a festive atmosphere.

6. Prepare Your Space

As customers peruse your things, make sure there is adequate space for them to move around. It is also essential to have sufficient tables and stands for displaying merchandise. Place your items near a sidewalk or at the end of your yard or driveway to increase their visibility. Although it may be tempting to host your garage sale indoors, if customers cannot see the items for sale, they may not even bother to look around.

7. Gather Supplies

Collect every thing you’ll need to make your relocation sale successful. This can include bags, crates, currency, a cash box, and a calculator. On the day of the sale, don’t forget to gather everything you’ll need to stay hydrated and comfortable while moving about. Key items include cool beverages, sun protection, and cozy footwear.

8. Accept Multiple Forms of Payment

Ensure that you can accept cash, credit cards, and even digital payments such as Venmo. Don’t forget to stop by the bank before the day of your sale because you’ll want to have small bills as well as additional change on hand. You may also want to consider designing a QR code that customers can scan with their smartphones to make payments.

9. Ask for Help

Doing all of the work for a moving sale by yourself can be exhausting, so don’t be afraid to ask for assistance from your peers. This can greatly simplify the procedure and make it more pleasurable!

10. Clean Up

Make sure you have a plan for how to get rid of any remaining items after the sale. If you decide not to use the items anymore, load them up and donate them. You may also be able to arrange for the collection of large objects. In this situation, make advance plans for pickup if at all possible. If you still have products that you want to save or sell online, package them up straight away to keep them from getting damaged or soiled. Remember to remove all flyers and signs following the conclusion of your sale!

Your chances of having a successful relocation sale will definitely rise if you stick to these suggestions!

And, if you are planning a move but are still looking for your next home, contact your local Real Property Management office to view quality listings in your area!